

One of the most important things a child must participate in during their school days, aside from academics, is sports. Typically, parents choose a school for their children based only on academics. However, it’s crucial to choose a school that will give exposure to their children to a variety of sports and extracurricular activities in addition to academics.

Sports and activities are taught as a required component of the curriculum at The SMS. Sports provide discipline in life and help to develop character. It teaches trainees to respect authority figures and the value of self-restraint.

At SMS, we have a lush green campus spread over 5 acres of land which helps students to participate in various outdoor games. We also have facilities for indoor games. Let’s help our students to build character and healthy life through sports.


The purpose of the library is to improve your knowledge through self-study. You can read various books of your choice either it is academic or related to self-improvement. Library is a place where you have a large collection of books under one roof. Everyone should visit the library on a daily basis in order to enhance their thinking level and have a different perspective for life.

At SMS, we offer a well-equipped, computerized library with more than thousands volumes of different categories, including journals that are continuously added. Additionally, the library offers a variety of reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, newspapers, and online resources for teachers and students.

The Learning Center contains a resource room with adequate seating capacity and a full-sized projector screen in addition to an expanded Library and separate Reading Rooms. Come and be part of our school to improve your learning ability through our modern day library.

Let’s be curious!


Laboratory becomes crucial when you want to perform tests over the knowledge you gained from classroom teaching programs. There is always Science behind any action happening in our surroundings and to understand the reason, science labs become a necessary part of school. Furthermore, labs enhance various skills like critical thinking, analysis, relation between science and technology, risk taking ability, perseverance, etc.

We have separate labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects for secondary and higher secondary students. We help our students to perform tests under the guidance of subject teachers and lab attendants. Labs are well structured and equipped with all the necessary kit required to perform practical as per given syllabus.

For the junior section we have various kinds of models and charts to improve their ability to learn quality and help them understand the subject better. At SMS, our lab attendant and teachers are dedicated to perform tests with utmost precautions.

Smart Class Room

We cannot disagree that smart classroom technologies have improved the method of learning. This technology has raised confidence in kids. Now they can understand better and think creatively. As we all know, kids of today are leaders of tomorrow. In order to make such leaders, we have adapted smart classroom technology.

Students tend to write notes frequently in class, which divert their focus away from learning. However, notes and presentations can be distributed to students immediately with the use of smart classes. Teachers can also use a variety of tools to give assignments and participate in discussions.

Furthermore, students’ attention has increased and boredom is avoided with the aid of intelligent classes. Smart technology is used in the classroom to engage students by presenting animated material such as films, photos, and audio, which improves learning results. In addition to improving the aesthetics of instruction, it facilitates learning by assisting pupils mentally through visualizing subjects.

Scholarship By Government

Scholarships are mostly provided to support students financially for their studies. If a student is highly meritorious and gets good marks in their board exams then the government also provides scholarships as a reward to such students.

At SMS, we help eligible students to get scholarships through various government schemes running via online mode. We help parents and their ward to know in which category they can get scholarships like pre- and post-matriculation, merit-based, and merit-cum-means-based scholarship programs and fill forms on their behalf if they are unable to do it by themselves.

The application format, scheme details and FAQs are all available to download. Through this, you can apply for a scholarship and after proper scrutinizing your scholarship amount get credited to your account as per the government timeline.

Scout and Guide

The goal of Scouting is to support young people’s education by instilling in them a set of moral principles based on the Scout Law and Promise. This will help create a better world where people can live fulfilling lives and contribute positively to the nation.

Furthermore, it enables students to reach their full physical, mental, social and emotional strength. At SMS, we ask our students to actively participate in scout and guide movements which happen on a weekly basis. Various movements like residential camp, special day activities, gardening promotion, talent search program, marching, etc.   are part of our scout and guide program.


Studies have shown that music plays a key role in improving human psychological and cognitive behavior. It has been found that kids who have interacted with music from the beginning show positive development in their cerebral cortex. Meanwhile, the learning and understanding ability of such kids enhance to a greater extent.

The ability of music is that it encourages kids to think creatively if they practice it regularly. For pupils, it is engaging and motivating. They benefit from innovation in both the development of new ideas and in the application of those ideas to science and technology. In addition, they possess the ability to resolve both personal and professional concerns of the day.

At SMS, we have a music teacher who will teach you to play various music instruments and also help you to learn classical singing. Since music needs regular training we have introduced a daily class routine to all classes.


Co-curricular activities are a crucial component of a student’s education since they support the academic programs. By giving a youngster a stage to display their abilities, their overall growth will happen.

A child’s self-confidence and ability to make decisions are both enhanced by involvement in extracurricular activities. It aids in the development of a well-rounded person by assisting them in discovering their hobbies and passions.

Most individuals believe that school is only about academics. 

We are aware that it also involves social and artistic growth, and we need to be more conscious of it. We cannot only concentrate on education for the sake of academic betterment, there needs to be space for co-curricular activities also. The SMS School makes sure to focus on topics outside of the classroom also.


SMS Inter High School gives its children access to clean, safe drinking water that has been purified through reverse osmosis process because it is one of the basic needs. We are able to supply enough drinking water to students through a successful combination of cutting-edge technologies and a skilled workforce. The placement of R.O. Water stations throughout the school encourage kids to hydrate frequently.